Kim Förster, in conversation with Kerstin Müller, Charlotte Bofinger, and Maléna Bastien Masse: "The Reuse of Concrete Elements," Oase Journal, 119, 81-98.
Sascha Roesler, in conversation with Elke Beyer, Kim Förster, and Michaela Russ, "Spatializing the Energy Transition. Toward a Meta-Reflection on the Notion of Energy Landscape," Ardith 13, 33-53.
Kim Förster, with Tania Tovar Torres and photography by Materia Prima: "The File of Concrete", Journal, Copenhagen Architecture Festival, June 2024.
"A Gray Castle", e-flux Index, 1, March 2024.
"A Gray Castle", e-flux Architecture, "Accumulations," December 2023.
"The Kiln" In Solarities. Elemental Encounters and Refractions, edited by Cymene Howe, Jeff Diamanti, and Amelia Moore (Goleta: punctum books, 2023), 229-258.
"Undisciplined Knowing: Writing Architectural History through the Environment" In Environmental Histories of Architecture, edited by Kim Förster (Montreal: CCA, 2022).
"A Postmodern School of Architecture. Education at the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies" In Histories of Architecture Education in the United States, edited by Peter L. Laurence (London: Routledge, 2023), 98-117.
"Triangular Stories. Cement as Cheap Commodity, Critical Building Material, and a Seemingly Harmless Climate Killer" / "Dreiecksgeschichten. Zement als billige Ware, kritischer Baustoff und ein scheinbar harmloser Klimakiller," In Beyond Concrete. Strategien für eine postfossile Baukultur, edited by FHNW – Institut Architektur, Annette Helle, Barbara Lenherr (Zurich: Triest Verlag, 2022), 35-65.
"Reden wir über Zement. Blinde Flecken in der Architektur- und Umweltgeschichte," in: Werk, Bauen + Wohnen 5, 2022: Klimapositiv, 32-36.
"Zement im Anthropozän" In Überbau. Produktionsverhältnisse der Architektur im Anthropozän, edited by Alexander Stumm and Victor Lortie (Berlin: Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2021), 23-28.
"Energy – Architecture – Transition. Oswald Mathias Ungers, IBUS and the Search for Good Architecture," In Negotiating Ungers. The Aesthetics of Sustainability, edited by common room and Cornelia Escher (Brussels: common books, 2020).
"Wallace K. Harrison: New York Architect (press release)," In Architecture Itself and Other Postmodern Myths, edited by Sylvia Lavin (Montréal: CCA and Leipzig: Spector Books, 2020), 121-124.
"The Green IBA. On a Politics of Renewal, Ecology, and Solidarity," Candide 11, 2019, 9-50.
"Architectural History and the Anthropocene," Field Notes. Architecture and the Environment. Architectural Histories, edited by Sophie Hochhäusl and Torsten Lange 6(1): 20, 2018, 1–13.
"Institutionalizing Postmodernism: Reconceiving the Journal and the Exhibition at the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in 1976," In Mediated Messages: Periodicals, Exhibitions, and the Shaping Postmodern Architecture, edited by Véronique Patteeuw and Léa-Catherine Szacka (London: Bloomsbury, 2018), 213-229.
"Umdenken Umschwenken: Environmental Engagement and Swiss Architecture," In Routledge Companion to Architecture and Social Engagement, edited by Farhan Karim (Routledge: New York and London, 2018), 271-288.
"Revisiting Görlitzer Park: Material Practices and the Postmodern Landscape," Landscript 5: Material Culture, edited by Jane Hutton Berlin: Jovis, 2017, 154-173 (with Cornelia Escher).
"Into the Archives of Energy Transition," in: Schloss-Ghost, 2016.
"Eco Life Styles Stuttgart," in: Schloss-Post, January 19, 2016.
"The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies," In The Other Architect, edited by Giovanna Borasi Montréal: Canadian Centre for Architecture and Leipzig: Spector Books, 2015), 374-376.
"Wie bauen, wie weiter leben? Frei Ottos Vision vom ökologischen und gemeinsamen Bauen," Bauwelt, 20.2015, May 22, 2015, 28/29 (Issue: "Frei nach Otto")
"Nachruf: Frei Otto. 1925 - 2015", werk, bauen + wohnen, May 2015, 56/57.
"From Remment to Rem. A Quite Literary Story of Someone Who Made It in New York", in:CLOG, June 2014
"'Is there such thing as evil objects?': A Review of Lucius Burckhardt Writings", in: Architectural Histories, April 11, 2014 online: http://journal.eahn.org/article/view/ah.bf
common room & Kim Förster: "A New Framework for an Architecture of Coexistence. Ivan Illich Re-Read", Project. A Journal for Architecture, Issue 3, Spring 2014, 14-17.
"The Mass Production of Art Work. In conversation with Daniel Young and Christian Giroux", in: Daniel Young and Christian Giroux, Berlin: Künstlerhaus Bethanien, 2013.
"Das Paradox der Nachhaltigkeit als Modeerscheinung. Architektur und Natur in Zeiten des Biokapitalismus", Archithese 6, 2013, 72-77.
Kim Förster, with Cornelia Escher: "I am Dr. Tent. Frei Otto on Adaptability, Ecology, and Economy in Architecture", in: ARCH+ 211/212, June 2013, 72-80.
"ARCH+ features 19. Die Netzwerke des Peter Eisenman. Produktion von Wissen und Kultur am Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies in New York (1967 bis 1985)", ARCH+ 210, April 2013.
Kim Förster, with Maria Ibanez De Sendadiano, Lars Fischer and Todd Rouhe: "Building the Abrons Arts Center. Interview with Lo-Yi Chan", in: common room and Kim Förster [eds.]: Arts for Living, New York: common books, 2013, 3-22.
"Teaching Architecture, or, How to Create Spaces for Teenagers", In Arts for Living, edited by common room and Kim Förster (New York: common books, 2013), 63-108.
"Das architektonische Projekt. Bildung und Kultur am Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (NY, 1967-1985)", Archithese 6, 2012, 78-85.
"The Housing Prototype of The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies. Negotiating Housing and the Social Responsibility of Architects Within Cultural Production", Candide 5, March 2012, 57-92.
"Skyline", in: Beatriz Colomina / Craig Buckley [eds.]: Clip, Stamp, Fold. The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines 196X-197X, Barcelona: Actar, 2010, p. 156
"Massimo Vignelli: Oppositions, Skyline and the Institute", online: Places. Forum of Design for the Public Realm, Gallery, September 2010
"IAUS: The Thomas Bender Affair", online: CCA study's center, Scholar's Choice, July 2009
"East Village™", in: common room [ed.]: Goethe Circular, March 8, 2009, New York
"Von Absperrgitter bis Zeitmaschine" (editorial), in: Schwellenatlas, Arch+ 191/192, March 2009, p. 23
"Air Curtain", "Fahrsteig", "Ganzkörper-Scanner", "Puffer-Machine", "Sicherheitsschleuse" (glossary texts); "Barrikade", "Tapetentür" (photos), in: Schwellenatlas, Arch+ 191/192, March 2009, pp. 27/28, 45/46, 61/62, 87, 102; 34-37, 116/117
"Schwelle. Elizabeth Diller, Richard Scofidio und Charles Renfro im Gespräch mit Kim Förster und Anh-Linh Ngo", in: Schwellenatlas, ARCH+ 191/192, March 2009, pp. 96-101
"A Communist Cross-Manifesto", in: common room [eds.]: Communist Guide to New York City, New York: common books, 2008, pp. 33-42; 121-30
"Alternative Educational Programs in Architecture: The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies", in: Reto Geiser [ed.]: Explorations in Architecture: Teaching, Design, Research, Basel: Birkhäuser, 2008, pp. 26-27
"ABC No Rio: Architecture of Opposition", in: Günter H. Lenz / Dorothea Löbbermann / Karl-Heinz Magister [eds.]: CinematoGraphies: Fictional Strategies and Visual Discourses in 1990s New York City, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2006, pp. 97-120
Kim Förster, with Thomas Bürk-Matsunami, Jonas R. Bylund, Dirk Gebhardt and Mathias Naumann [eds.]: Sozialgeografien des Reichtums in Berlin. Ergebnisse eines Projektseminars, Arbeitsberichte des Geografisches Instituts, Humboldt University in Berlin, issue 110, 2005
An Architektur: "Palastparken", in: Philipp Misselwitz / Philipp Oswalt [eds.]: Fun Palace Berlin 200X, Berlin: Martin Schmitz Verlag, 2005, pp. 180/181*
An Architektur: "R wie Raum", in: Mario Hohmann / Stefan Rettich [eds.]: von A bis Z. 26 Essays zu Grundbegriffen der Architektur, Köln: Walther König, 2004, pp. 110/111*
"Literarische Landschaften: Über die Repräsentation von (urbanen) Räumen in Paul Austers 'The New York Trilogy'", in: Günter H. Lenz / Utz Riese [eds.]: Postmodern New York City. Transfiguring Spaces / Raum-Transformationen, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2003, pp. 247-299 [This text is a short version of the Staatsexamen.]
Kim Förster, with Oliver Clemens, Jesko Fezer and Sabine Horlitz: "Extra-Territorial Spaces and Camps. Judicial and Political Spaces in the War on Terrorism", in: Anselm Franke et al. [eds.]: Territories, Köln: Walther König, 2003, pp. 22-28