"The Quarry"
Interview with Hans-Dietmar Koeppel, Simon Läuchli
Interview with Fabio Gramazio and Mathias Kohler (Gramazio Kohler), Peter Richner (EMPA)
"From Niche to Mainstream. Renewable Energy Projects in Milton Keynes"
Interview with John Doggart
"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"
Interview with h Marc Angelil
"Educating Architects"
interviews with Kenneth Frampton
"The Problem is still ... the Environment"
interview with Witold Rybczynski)
"The IL/German Pavilion"
interview with: Jürgen Hennicke
"A Genealogy of the Debates on Sustainability"
interview with: Ruedi Kriesi, Christoph Leuthold, Christian Thomas
"A Genealogy of the Debates on Sustainability"
interview with: Maria Auböck, Armin Binz
"The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York (1967-1985)"
interviews with: Liane Lefaivre, Alexander Tzonis
"I am Dr. Tent. Frei Otto on Adaptability, Ecology, and Economy in Architecture"
interview with: Frei Otto
"The Mass Production of Art Works"
interview with: Daniel Young & Christian Giroux
"Teaching Architecture"
interviews with: Julie Maurer (former teacher in the Arts-in-Education Program at the Abrons Art Center, New York), Catherine Teegarden (Director of Learning by Design: NY, Center for Architecture Foundation, New York)
"The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York (1967-1985)"
interviews with: Hamid Nouri, Stuart Wrede*
"The Abrons Art Center"
interview with: Lo-Yi Chan (architect of the Abrons Art Center, New York and former partner of the architectural office Prentice & Chan Ohlhausen, New York)**
"Teaching Architecture"
interviews with: Marina Gutierrez (Director of the Saturday Program, Cooper Union, New York), Susan Fleminger (former Director of Visual Arts and the Arts-in-Education Program at the Abrons Art Center, New York), Howard Stern (teacher in the Arts-in-Education Program at the Abrons Art Center, New York)
"The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York (1967-1985)"
interviews with: Stan Allen, Samuel Anderson, Jonathan Barnett, Andrew Bartle, Michael Bierut, Vincent Benedetto, Barry Bergdoll, David Buege, Nathaniel Coleman, Roger Conover, Douglas Crimp, Peggy Deamer, Livio Dimitriu, Linda Dukess, Peter Eisenman, William Ellis, Kenneth Frampton, Suzanne Frank, Mario Gandelsonas, Deborah Gans, Peter Greenberg, Sarah Halliday, Jessica Helfand, Tom Hut, Margot Jacqz, Louise Joseph, Brian Kaye, Jonathan Kirschenfeld, Randall Korman, Rosalind Krauss, Lawrence Kutnicki, Robert Lane, John Leeper, Theodore Liebman, Kevin Lippert, Peter Lynch, Andrew MacNair, Mary McLeod, Jay Measley, Richard Meier, Tom Mellins, Robert Meltzer, David Mohney, Elizabeth Moule, Joan Ockman, Miguel Oks, Patrick Pinnell, Alan Plattus, Stephen Potters, Tim Prentice, George Ranalli, Mark Robbins, Pat Sapinsley, Michael Schwarting, Lindsay Shapiro, Coty Sidnam, Robert Silman, Carla Skodinski, Michael Sorkin, Suzanne Stephens, Robert Stern, Jon Stouman, Massimo Vignelli, Lauretta Vinciarelli, Laura Waltz, Peggy Weil, Richard Wengenroth, Lorraine Wild, Peter Wolf*
"The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York (1967-1985)"
interviews with: Diana Agrest, Emilio Ambasz, Stanford Anderson, George Baird, Deborah Berke, Rosemarie Bletter, Walter Chatham, Joan Copjec, Kenneth Frampton, Suzanne Frank, Laurie Hawkinson, Henry Hecker, Christian Hubert, Kevin Kennon, Silvia Kolbowski, Andrew MacNair, Joan Ockman, Joseph Rykwert, Richard Sennett, Mimi Taft, Frederieke Taylor, Anthony Vidler*
interview with: Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio, and Charles Renfro, Venice/Italy***
published as: Kim Foerster and Anh-Linh Ngo: "Die Schwelle in der Architektur. Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofidio und Charles Renfro im Gespräch", in: Schwellenatlas, Arch+ 191/192, March 2009, p. 96-101
"The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York (1967-1985)"
interviews with: Diana Agrest, Thomas Bender, Kees Christiaanse, Peter Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton, Paul Goldberger, Andrew MacNair, Kyong Park, Robert Stern, Bernard Tschumi*
"The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York (1967-1985)"
interviews with: Diana Agrest, Stanford Anderson, Peter Eisenman, Kurt Forster, Kenneth Frampton, Suzanne Frank, Robert Gutman, Joan Ockman, Antony Vidler*
"John Brian Harley"
interview with: Denis Cosgrove, University of California, Los Angeles****
"Karten zur Globalisierung"
interview with: Philippe Rekacewicz, cartographer of Le Monde Diplomatique and author of "The Atlas of Globalization"****
"Enttotalisierte Begegnungsformen"
interview with: Joseph Vogl, Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar****
"The Legalities of the War on Terrorism"
interview with: Kenneth Hurwitz, The Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, New York****
"The Spatialities of the War on Terrorism"
interview with: Peter Marcuse, Columbia University, New York****
* in the course of the PhD project on "The Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies, New York (1967-1985)"
** together with common room
*** together with the editors of Arch+
**** as co-editor of An Architektur